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What does it really mean to have a purpose?

And do you have to have a purpose?


Both questions are extremely difficult for many to deal with. Especially when it comes to purpose in life, it becomes too bigand intangible. It could be that we don't think it's relevant, that we don't want to define ourselves in that exact way.


Or simply can't put it into words.Butit may also be that there is an underlying fear of dealing with one's direction in life, of deciding what really makes sense for one and living it out. A fear of being (judged) by our surroundings, which represent a norm.

Some are able to sense their purpose very early on and stick to it. Purpose is closely related to one's passion and
ambition and some are able to live it out in a very pure form.
We all know someone who already very early in life knew what he or she wanted to spend his life on. For some it might be wanting to be a carpenter and build houses or other constructions, for someone else it might be expressing themselves through art or music. For a third, it is to become a doctor or nurse and take care of others.Or something completely different, such as to live as a nun or vagabond, to dedicate one's life to a cause.

The decisive thing is that one's purpose comes from within and is not a purpose that is dictated by others. If a young person expresses a desire to change the world, a reaction from many will surely be that it is naive, impossible and a waste of time. We seek acceptance and confirmation in our surroundings, especially when we are young, and if we are met with doubt and skepticism when we express our innermost desires, it can result in us becoming afraid to "stick out" and be evaluated and not dare to make independent choices about how our own lives should be lived.


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